Alcohol Rehab & Consequences of Alcohol Dependence

Understanding the Consequences of Alcohol Dependence

Alcoholism is defined as a person’s habitual need to consume alcohol, in the form of beverages that contain the formula. As a person’s body is exposed to alcohol on a consistent basis, it will begin to develop a level of resistance that will result in them feeling the need to consume greater quantities each time that they drink.

Over time, this extra volume of the chemicals comprising ethyl alcohol can result in a dependency – not unlike the habits most commonly associated with narcotics and smoking. As the body further develops this requirement it will forgo the need to function as normal, even while organs begin to suffer as a result of consistent exposure.

Eventually, this can lead to long term medical conditions and in extreme cases – even death. The potential to face these types of concerns will depend on the type of alcohol being consumed, as well as the percentage of the chemical that is present. But even in the smallest doses, it has been proven that repeat exposure can have catastrophic results on the human body.

The consequences of alcohol dependence

When exposed to alcohol for a consistent period of time, the first organs that will be affected are the liver and kidneys. These organs will first suffer with dehydration, followed by toxicity that can result in them shutting down. As they fail to function as intended, the toxins in alcohol won’t be as easily filtered and they will typically spread throughout the rest of the body via the blood stream.

This can lead to blood poisoning, which will have a host of internal and external symptoms depending on the person’s age and alcohol exposure. The brain will be the next organ to suffer with damage and as brain cells die, the tendency for the victim to develop mental disorders will increase drastically. For example, dementia can begin to take hold and the early signs can result in a change in personality, as well as mood swings and clinical depression.

If given time, it can be possible for a person’s body to begin to heal – and although it won’t be able to return to normal, it can obtain some semblance of regularity over time (especially if alcohol is avoided from the point of treatment, into the future). Failing to do this at the right time can leave a person’s organs damaged and unable to repair themselves, which can lead to death.

Furthermore, the habitual effects on the brain will also take their toll and mental illnesses will be more likely to develop – many of which can be fatal in nature, as the brain begins to shut itself down the more that it is exposed to toxic blood.